The convergence of two different ideals, one business and one educational, materializes in a single vision. From the business perspective, backed by a solid and successful career in the business world, financial education is promoted and the keys to success are shared with real examples obtained as an entrepreneur in the industry. On the other hand, from the educational field, experience is provided in the field of Artificial Intelligence, as well as in institutional management at a national level and research at an international level. The International University of Innovation was founded in December 2023 upon being officially recognized by the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico.
The problem in Mexico is clearly perceived as a lack of relevant educational programs, which leads young graduates to face a changing world for which they are not adequately prepared. It is in response to this challenge that the idea of creating the International University of Innovation arose, a joint initiative between the business and academic worlds, with the aim of transforming the present and future of young people in Latin America.